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Fonte: Acervo pessoal de Juliana Braz Dias



The research group ECOA - Ethnology in African Contexts develops study activities, research, publishing and organizing events, based on reflections on various aspects of social life in Africa. Based in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Brasilia, ECOA is a space that has provided consistent and sustained dialogue with national and international research centers. From the beginning, it has contributed to the training of students from the undergraduate to post-graduate levels. Still, it has collaborated in the production of several important projects in the area, including: Lugares, Pessoas e Grupos: as lógicas do pertencimento em perspectiva internacional (TRAJANO FILHO, 2010); África em Movimento (BRAZ DIAS & LOBO, 2012); Travessias Antropológicas: estudos em contextos africanos (TRAJANO FILHO, 2012); Tão Longe, Tão Perto: Famílias e Movimentos na Ilha da Boa Vista de Cabo Verde (LOBO, 2012); Levam má bô: (homo)sexualidades masculinas em um arquipélago africano (2016); Mundos em circulação: perspectivas sobre Cabo Verde (2016).

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